Sunday, April 27, 2008

Running the Race

I just got back from a ministry trip in Biscoe, NC. For those of you who don't know where thats at... don't ask me because i don't really know either. It's kind of what you might call a 'po dung' town out there somewhere. Meaning, its a really small town.

In any case, one of my friends here asked me to go w/ him and pray for people. I'm always amazed at how much God uses me, despite who i am. It's like He's saying, "I'm going to use you, despite the fact that i know who you really are..."

So i get there Friday night after driving for about an hour. I go walking into the building and they pretty much got under way right away. So no debriefing for me. I just jump into the mix and see what happens. Later on, i step outside and see that they have a sign on the wall that says "Revival with FIRE School of Ministry". i'm like, 'oh, ok.." (i hate to be critical at this point in time, but you can plan a revival like you can plan a snow storm. I laugh whenever people say "oh, we're having revival at church that week." ok...)

in any case, from what i understand of the end result of the weekend... the Lord really did a deep work at this church. everyone was very thankful we came. which is cool. Personally, i guess i'm used to much more intense times of prayer and worship... but the key thing is is that they were encouraged and challenged.

The Lord was raising up spiritual parents during this weekend. Also, our whole team had to give prophetic words for people in the church there. Now, normally, i don't flow in that type of activity. Personal prophetic words aren't necessarily my field of expertise. But I was more or less put into. So it was time to go swimming... like it or not.

On a side note, i was able to get some four-wheeling in! It was great! My buddy there had a 4-wheeler and he took me out on a trail nearby his house. I somewhat grew up on them so i was like jump on and ride!

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