Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Send the rain...

The South Eastern states have been suffering from a major drought for the last couple months. And I was talking with a gentleman from Canada the other day at work, while i was troubleshooting his computer, and we got to talking about the drought. I mentioned to him that i personally feel it represents the spiritual state of how we are right now. We need rain and we need it yesterday. The grass is crunchy and brown for the most part... there is an amount of green grass, but we are suffering from a drought right now. it looks somewhat ok, but we need the rain.

I think its a reflection of how the church is. (note here, i'm including myself in on this). the church is dried up and we lack the presence of God (the rain). I think right now we are at a stage 3 or 4 of drought watch measures. Meaning that we can't wash our own cars at home because it uses up too much water... the local creeks and ponds and lakes are at a severe low. We are in a drought.

I just heard today that the governor of Georgia actually prayed on tv today, at a press conference, he took time and prayed to God for rain. i have a link for you to go to and watch him praying. Sonny Perdue, the governor of Georgia, took time to pray and ask God for rain. wow, i'm waiting for the ACLU to jump all over this one... i'm sure someone in California or Europe or somewhere else was offended at this.

Thank God for that. at least someone is willing to stick their neck out and stand up for family values and for what this country was built on...

1 comment:

Jacqueline Branco Lambert said...

It was raining this morning! It's a miracle. And very intesting that it fell just after that prayer.If I recall correctly, I remember it being said that Pensacola had its wettest year in 1995. (could be mistaken though, and may have changed since then)